Monday, January 11, 2010


I got to PNCA around noon and there were already super long lines.
So I looked for short ones and chose Emily Carr, I didn't really have any
colledges in mind.
One interesting peice of advice the lady gave me was to keep a sketch book of things in my imagination, not from observation, which isn't really what Ms. McBride wants us to do for our sketch books. She's the boss so I won't. But the reason for it is to make my work stand out from
other students work and it's "not just a picture of a tree."
The other colledges said similar things, that they look for the work that stands out and that the craftsman ship doesn't have to be perfect because "then why would you be going to colledge."
Im not sure I want to go to these colledges, but they gave me good advice on what they are
looking for in a portfolio and I will be better prepared next year.