Sunday, October 17, 2010

Concentration time!

I made sure to think about possible concentration ideas over the summer, so I have a couple in my head that I would consider. So far, I am thinking I am going to make it about storms, but I will probably go back and forth between my ideas many times before it is time to choose one.


  1. Nice idea! When I read that, I immediately thought about your painting with the cows and the dramatic grey sky. Now I imagine that the cows will be innocently eating their nice grass when a big bout of lighting descends from the sky and turns them all into steaks. Meat....

  2. oooo storms. that sounds interesting! cause you could incorporate not just literal storms but the "storms" of life (difficulties/tragedies...).

    p.s. i like your picture for your blog profile! :)

  3. Haha, yeah my steak painting will probably be part of that. And yes, I was hoping to include people's storms and/or literal storms if I could come up with any good examples.
    Thanks! I like all the backgrounds this new version of blogspot has
